苏菲诗歌&翻译网栏目 Columns of SPT Website


Important Columns of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”

Some Chinese-English version columns of :
About Sophy, Poetry News, Profiles of Personage, Sophy Poetry Translation, Sophy Poetry, Sophy Columns, Poets Column, Selected International Poems, Sophy’s Works, Sophy’s Images, and Contact Sophy.
First, Poetry News includes four sub-sections: Sophy Poetry News, International Poetry News, Domestic Poetry News, Media Reports About Sophy
Sophy Poetry News: report Sophy Chens’ poetry translation news and her poetry activity news in which she participated.
International Poetry News: report the major international publishing news and poetry activity news.
Domestic Poetry News: report the major national publishing news and poetry activity news.
Media Reports About Sophy: reprint Sophy poetry translation, poetry writing and poetry activity news which reported by other media.
Second, Profiles of Personage: the column specifically for the contemporary Chinese and world famous poetry translators, poets which publishes their translation or original English and Chinese poetry.
It includes two sub-sections: Translators’ Profiles and Poets’ Profiles. Several poems of translators and poets, such as Zhang Zhi (Diablo), Zhang Zhizhong, Yangke, YI SHA, and Xiaoxiao, have been successively published in this section. The poetess Xiaoxiao’s section is most visited, and its unique visitors exceeded 3,000 within a week. In the poetry gradually marginalized background, these hits are very rare which shows that some well-known poets’ potential attractiveness to poetry group is still very big, so we can not underestimate our own capabilities.
Third, Sophy Poetry Translation: publishes Sophy Chen’s Chinese-English and English-Chinese translation poetry translated independently by her, which focuses on the Chinese poetry and English translation and promotion.
It consists of three primary subtopics: 1)Poetry Translation C-E, 2) Poetry Translation E-C, and 3) Sophy Prose Translation.
Poetry Translation C-E: consists of five sub-sections: A. Translation Works of Chinese Poets before 1960, B. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1960, C. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1970. D. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1980, and E. Translation Works of Chinese Poets after 1990.
2) Poetry Translation E-C: A. Chinese Translation of Foreign Poets, B. Chinese Translation of English Poets
A. Chinese Translation of Foreign Poets: publishes the translation poems of non-English speaking poets, mainly translated from English.
B. Chinese Translation of English Poets: publishes the translation poems of English-speaking countries
3) Sophy Prose Translation: A. Sophy Prose Translation E-C, and B. Sophy Prose Translation C-E
Fourth, Sophy Poetry: 1) Sophy’s Original English Poetry, 2) Sophy’s Original Chinese Poetry, 3) Sophy’s Bilingual Poetry E-C or E-C, 4) Sophy’s Translation Theory, 5) Sophy’s Proses & Essayes
Five, Sophy Column: this is a special section for Sophy Poetry Translation, publishes the bilingual poems Sophy Chen independently translated for some home and abroad authoritative poetry journals, Such as the World Poets Quarterly (Multilingual), etc.
Six, Poets Column: this column is a new section established in 2015. It consists of two sub-sections: 1) Excellent Poets, and 2) Website Poets.
1) Excellent Poets: occasionally publishes some more active poet’s poems in China and the world;
2) Website Poets: to plan to publish an excellent poet’s poems each year who works hard for poem’s micro dissemination, especially for the poems of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”
Seven, Selected International Poems: selects of some outstanding Chinese Contemporary Poets and foreign contemporary poets’ poems bilingually published.
1) Chinese Poets, 2) International Poets.
1) Chinese Poets: A. Chinese Contemporary Poetry, B. Chinese Modern Poetry, C. Chinese Classical Poetry.
2) International Poets: A. European Poets, B. Asian Poets, C. American Poets, D. African Poets, E. Oceanian Poets
Eight, Sophy’s Works: shows and introduces Sophy’s original and translated books
Nine, Sophy’s Images: shows Sophy Chen’s photos in major poetry activities and photos with some famous poets
Ten, Contact Sophy: shows all of Sophy Chen’s network contacts and her national and international communication platforms.


sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
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