


Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection
Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry
Translation Library (Bilingual)

Poets' Works From All Over The World Are Welcome

作者:苏菲(Sophy Chen)


《苏菲世界诗歌翻译书库》诗人诗歌集 (双语对照)全球征稿启事



Format: Paper book + e-book


1.(美国)亚马逊美国英语主网站 下属200多个国家主页;
2. 苏菲国际翻译出版社 电子书网站(制作中)








3.请提供作者精美的彩色形象照片二帧(拍摄角度腰围以上,专业摄像机,专业摄影师拍摄,本社拒绝接纳手机随意拍摄的像素小,模糊不清的作家形象照)(分辨率高于300dpi; 像素3000以上)。字号字体:汉语:宋体小四;英语:Times Now Roman。
大陆投稿微信:18201007874,或 SophyPoetry3,或其它微信;


1) 请翻译家苏菲撰写英汉双语翻译出版前言1篇《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊诗歌评论版面刊载,网络全球推广



1)苏菲世界诗歌博物馆 官网(英-汉)制作中)
4)苏菲世界诗歌奖 官网(英-英)试运行)
6)苏菲诗歌翻译 服务号
7)苏菲诗歌&翻译 公众号
10)Twitter: Sophy Chen
11)YouTube:Sophy Chen
12)Whatsapp: Sophy Chen


1《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊 封面人物照片+《封面诗人》专栏推介 1期
2《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊 封二《头条诗人》推介 1期
3《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊 头条新闻 书讯推介(启动新闻,出版新闻)(1/2页)2期
4《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊 诗歌集专栏 2期
5《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊 封底大幅照片+年度(赞助)诗人专栏 1期
6成为《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊 战略合作伙伴,受邀出席《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊、《苏菲国际翻译出版社》预举办的年度盛典,新闻报道等
7 “苏菲诗歌翻译”服务号或 “苏菲诗歌&翻译”公众号“苏菲诗歌&翻译网”图书购买广告链接 不限次
8出版诗歌集送达海内外各大诗歌奖评奖委员会参加国际评奖 不限次
9《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊电子刊网站、《苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网》、《苏菲国际翻译出版社》官网,3个网站配备专门购买诗歌集的图文链接 永久
10海内外诗歌门户和社区网络新闻报道以及诗歌作品全网推介 不定期
11推荐包括诺贝尔奖等全球多国家多语种诗歌评奖 不定期



大陆投稿微信:18201007874,或 SophyPoetry3,或其它微信;



附:苏菲国际翻译出版社 已出版的书籍列表:






Image of Translator Sophy Chen[China]Sophy Chen
[中国] 苏菲

About Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen, Lihua Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Province, China, is the Chinese contemporary poet, translator, publisher and world poetry manager. She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University in English Literature. She is the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, the President of Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, the Chief Editor and Translator of Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual), Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website. Sophy Chen is Admin Of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, a Member of the Translators Association of China, and a Member of the World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan. Sophy Chen is appointed as a Honorary Membership of PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE and Jury Of “Il Parnaso - Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy. SOPHY CHEN is appointed as AMBASSADOR TO CHINA by THE ACADEMIC SENATE, ACADEMY OF ARTS AND PHILOSOPHICAL SUAENCES of LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA. She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005.
Her Main World Awards:
The annual International Best Translator Award(2012); the Legendary Poet Awards(2012);the Chinese Contemporary Poetry Translation Award (2013-2014); Pentasi B World Featured Poet and Pentasi B World Inspirational Poet(2018); the International Icon of Literature of Mewadev Laurel Award of India(2018); Neruda Award of Italy(2019); the Wrangal’s Golden Peacock Award of India(2019); Culture & Friendship Award of India(2019); Poet’s Golden Shawl of India(2019); Pentasi B Pentasian Award(2019); Pentasi B World Poet Laureate Award(2019); Pentasi B World Golden Voice Poetry(2019); “Il Parnaso - Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy(2019);AMBASSADOR TO CHINA by THE ACADEMIC SENATE, ACADEMY OF ARTS AND PHILOSOPHICAL SUAENCES of LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA,etc.
Her Main Translated, Edited and Published Poetry Collections:
The Flower Swaying(C-E) (2014); Tibetan Incense (C-E) (2014); The Outlook of Life (C-E)(2014); Different Tunes (C-E) (2014); The Body Forward (C-E) (2015); A Poetry Biography for White Snake (C-E) (2015); I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes (C-E) (2019); Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(C-E) (2019); The Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards (C-E) (2019); Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) ; Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine.
Her Written Poetry Collection:
Sophy Chen’s English Sonnets, Tuberose (E-E) (2018).
Organizing and Planning of Major World Poetry Activities:
Sophy Chen is the Host-Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETRY FESTIVAL and PENTASI B World Fellowship of China 2019 and 2021. She has successfully organized, sponsored and held 2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards in China.

苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代诗人、翻译家、出版人、世界诗歌活动策划人。生于陕西汉中略阳;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。“苏菲国际翻译出版社”社长、“苏菲世界诗歌奖”创始人、“苏菲世界诗歌博物馆”馆长、《苏菲译-世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉英对照)主编、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊主编、“苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网”主编。PENTASI B 世界诗歌联谊会行政管理、中国翻译协会会员、卡萨克斯坦“世界各民族作家联盟”会员、意大利“聂鲁达文学协会”名誉会员、意大利“帕那苏斯诗歌奖”评审委员会成员、意大利“卢修斯·阿纳乌斯·塞内卡”艺术与哲学学院 驻华大使。1989年开始汉语诗歌写作、2004年开始英语诗歌写作、2005年开始英汉双语诗歌翻译。
国际最佳翻译家奖(2012)、传奇诗人奖(2012)、中国当代诗歌翻译奖(2013-2014)、Pentasi B 世界杰出诗人奖(2018)、Pentasi B 世界精神诗人奖(2018)、印度米瓦德威•桂冠奖——“国际文学偶像”奖(2018)、意大利聂鲁达奖(2018)、印度朗格尔金孔雀奖(2019)、印度文化友谊奖(2019)、印度金色诗人披肩(2019)、Pentasi B 年度奖(2019)Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖(2019)、PENTASI B 世界金色之声诗歌奖(2019)、意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖荣誉评审员(2019)、意大利“卢修斯·阿纳乌斯·塞内卡”艺术与哲学学院 驻华大使。
《花动摇》(英-汉)(2014)、《藏香》(英-汉)(2014)、《生之瞭望》(英-汉)(2014)、《异调》(英-汉)(2014)、《胴体向前》(英-汉)(2015)、《白娘子诗传》(英-汉)(2015)、《从眼睛的味道中找到你的美》(英-汉)(2019)、《PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选》(英-汉)(2019)、《PENTASI B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗全集 (英-汉)(2019)、《苏菲译-世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉-英)、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英-汉)纸质世界诗刊。
苏菲是2019、2021 PENTASI B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖主办方、组织人和赞助人。苏菲成功组织、赞助、主办了PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节& 苏菲世界诗歌奖。




Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of
Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)

Poets' Works Are Welcome From All Over The World

By Sophy Chen

In order to strengthen the foreign translation and internationalization of Chinese excellent poetry, further flourish the multilingual creation of international poetry, promote the translation, interaction, communication and exchange of excellent modern poetry between Chinese and western poets, build a good world poetry exchange bridge for Chinese poets and world poets, promote the translation and research of contemporary poetry, and show the great poetry art to the world, Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy International Publishing Media, Sophy Poetry & Translation (E-C) World Poetry Paper Magazine have decided to jointly edit and publish a set of poetry collections of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual). It has planned to edit and publish the various countries' important poets' poetry collections, 500-1000 books within 30 years (2018-2048).

In order to ensure the artistic quality of the Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual), it just releases a noice to the world poets. The specific matters are as follows:

ISBN: International Book Number, One Book, One Number

Format: Paper book + e-book

Paper Book Published : (Hong Kong) Sophy International Translation Publishing House

E-book Published: (U.S.) Amazon US English website, with its more than 200 countries home pages; Sophy International Translation Publishing House E-book Website coming

Style: New Poetry, Prose Poetry, Free Verse

Languages: Bilingual/Trilingual (English-Chinese or English- English...)

Book Design: Personalized Customization
Books will be designed, producted, priced, and published in unity. Book size is personally designed, book pages are free to expand, lines are flexible increased and decreased, the cover is 200g-300g copper plate, color printing, the ring line is 150g-200g white card, and the inner page is 60g-80g light paper. Front book gate-folding has the author’s profile (Bilingual) and a color image. Back book gate-folding has the translator’s profile (bilingual) and a color image. The number of prints and the edition are not limited and the pricing is flexible.

Cost: Publishing expense, translation fee, printing fee and mailing fee are payed by the author

Translation: All books in poetry collections of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual) translated by Sophy Chen

Translation Agreement: the author himself must sign a contract to authorize translation and publication

Manuscript Requirements:
Any poet who has influence, achievements, and strength in all countries, regardless of nationality, language, ethnicity, religious belief, gender, or age, can submit the manuscript. The modern poetry, modern long poems, modern group poems, modern short poems, and prose poems with new perspectives, refined language, and unique artistic style and innovation are required. The total lines are not limited.

Manuscript Details:
1) To submit the manuscript, please compile the author’s biography, the catalogue and text of the books in word.
2) Please submit author’s real name, ID card/passport number, address (country name + province/state name + county/city name + town name + street name + door number + recipient phone number).
3) In addition, please send the poet’s two beautiful color images (photographing angle above waist, professional camera, professional photographer, we refuse to accept the small and fuzzy images of the author who was randomly photographed by mobile phones.) (The resolution is higher than 300dpi; the pixel is more than 3000). Font size: Chinese: Song Style, Small Four; English: Times Now Roman.
4) Mail Naming: xxx submission + author name. Compress all the author's information into a compressed file and send it to:
Mainland of China wechat: 18201007874, or sophypoetry3 ;
Outside of Mainland of China mailbox:

Literature Review:
In order to improve the readability, appreciation, academic and research of this set of poetry collections. We will specially invite critics of various languages at home and abroad to write literary reviews to put them in the poetry collection.

1)Translator Sophy Chen will write, a C-E translation and publishing preface. It will be released on the Poetry Review Column of Sophy Poetry & Translation (E-C) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and then promoted online globally.
2)We will invite contemporary foreign poetry critics write a poetry review. It will be released on the Poetry Review Column of Sophy Poetry & Translation (E-C) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and then promoted online globally.
3)We will invite Chinese contemporary poetry critics write a poetry review. It will be released on the Poetry Review Column of Sophy Poetry & Translation (E-C) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and then promoted online globally.
(If we will invite the famous critic write a poetry review, the consultation is needed)
4)We will invite the poet himself write a postscripts for his poetry collection. It will be released on the Poetry Review Column of Sophy Poetry & Translation (E-C) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and then promoted online globally.

Chinese And Foreign Awards:
After the publication, it will be sent to the UN Library, UNESCO, the World Important Countries’ Libraries, the World’s Most Important Journals, the World Famous University Libraries, the World Famous literary research experts, world famous poetry festivals, cultural festivals, literary associations, literary awards and their jury members, and Nobel Prize in Literature, and so on with Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine. With the popularity of the translator Sophy Chen at home and abroad, the books will be actively sent to various major poetry awards, poetry collection awards, and translation awards, etc.

Sophy Chen Related International Media:

1) Sophy World Poetry Museum official website E-C (coming)
2) Sophy poetry & International Translation Website E-E
3) Sophy poetry & International Translation Website E-C
4) Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards official website E-E
5) Sophy Works website E-C (coming)
6) Sophy Poetry Translation Service Number
7) Sophy Poetry & Translation Public Number
8) Sina Weibo: Sophy-苏菲
9) Facebook:
10) Twitter: Sophy Chen
11) YouTube: Sophy Chen
12) Whatsapp: Sophy Chen

International Promotion:
Promotion And Global Broadcast Of Published Works:

1 Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine Cover Figure + Cover Poet 1 issue
2 Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine Second Cover “Headline Poet 1 issue
3 Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine, Headline News, Book Promotion (Starting News, Publishing News) (1/2 pages) 2 issues
4 Sophy International Translation Publishing House poetry collection column 2 issues
5 Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Paper Magazine, Back Cover large photo + Annual (Sponsored) 1 issue
6 To be a strategic partner of Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine and Sophy International Translation Publishing House and the author will be invited to attend the annual festival and news report held by Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine and Sophy International Translation Publishing House and etc.
7 Sophy Poetry Translation Service Number or Sophy Poetry & Translation Public Number and Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website book purchase advertising links unlimited
8 Published Books will be served at the awards committee of major poetry awards at home and abroad unlimited
9 Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine electronic publication website, Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website and Sophy International Translation Publishing House official website will give the special graphic links for purchase collections.
10 Chinese and international poetry portals and community networks news reports and poetry works promotion will be throughout the network
11 Recommendto Nobel Prize and other multi-language poetry awards in many countries

Bank Account:
1.Bank Name: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China:
Account name: Chen Lihua
Account number: 6222023602028164168
2.Alipay Account Number: 18201007874

Email (Wechat):
Mainland of China Wechat: 18201007874, or sophypoetry3 ;
Outside of Mainland of China mailbox:
Contact Number: 0086-18201007874

Sophy International Translation Publishing House
Sophy International Publishing Media
Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Paper Magazine



Books List Published By Sophy International Translation Publishing House:

More Poets Poetry Collection: Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival& Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards
More Poets Poetry Collection: Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(Volume 1)coming…
More Poets Poetry Collection: Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(Volume 2)coming…
Poetry Magazine: Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E)World Poetry Paper Magazine Volume 1
Poetry Magazine: Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E)World Poetry Paper Magazine Volume 2




Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)
主编/翻译 苏菲。14国联合出版:
直接加苏菲微信18201007874诗发到对话框《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉) 纸质世界纸刊各栏目征稿细则
"Sophy Poetry & Translation" (E-C) World Poetry Magazine Needs Poems All Years

Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Artworks All Years
苏菲世界诗歌博物馆 常年征集中外诗人诗集/艺术作品




sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





[ 法律顾问:李刚 ]



