2019中国-世界诗歌节主持人苏菲: 预祝PENTASI B加纳-世界诗歌节2018暨加纳国际人类大会圆满举办! ISSN:2616-2660


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“Sophy Poetry & Translation” (E-C) International Magazine



苏菲以2019中国-世界诗歌节主持人的名义预祝PENTASI B加纳-世界诗歌节2018暨加纳国际人类大会圆满举办

Sophy Chen Wishes PENTASI B Ghana World Poetry Festival 2018 And Ghana International Humanity Conference Held Successfully in the Name of the Host of the 2019 China World Poetry Festival


苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网 讯 2018-09-25 苏菲中国编辑报道:
“Sophy Poetry & International Translation Website” 2018-09-25, Edited and Reported by Sophy Chen, in China。

PENTASI B 加纳-世界诗歌节2018暨加纳国际人类大会分别将于2018年9月26日和9月29日在加纳共和国举行。PENTASI B 加纳-世界诗歌节2018是PENTASI B世界诗人联谊会第二次在加纳举办的诗歌节。第一次是PENTASI B 加纳-世界诗歌节2016。
PENTASI B Ghana World Poetry Festival 2018 and Ghana International Humanity Conference will be held in the Republic of Ghana on September 26 and 29, 2018. PENTASI B Afria Ghana World Poetry Festival 2018 is the second poetry festival held by the PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry. The first was PENTASI B Afria Ghana 2016.


PENTASI B 世界诗人联谊 第二次加纳-世界诗歌节 人类诗歌唤醒全球2018-2019

PENTASI B 世界诗人联谊 第二次加纳-世界诗歌节


PENTASI B 诗歌节 非洲加纳2016

PENTASI B 诗歌节 非洲加纳2016


为了积极筹备PENTASI B 中国-世界诗歌节2019暨苏菲世界诗歌奖,苏菲我本人未能应邀参加本次诗歌盛会。特以中国著名翻译家、英语诗人苏菲(Sophy Chen)和Pentasi B 中国-世界诗歌节2019中国大陆独家赞助人、组织者、主持人的名义,特向非洲加纳共和国国际人类大会主持人Dr.Waheed Musah馈赠《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)国际期刊创刊号,
由Pentasi B世界诗人联谊会创始人、PENTASI B世界诗歌节发起人、诗人朋朋博士亲自转交。
In order to prepare the PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival 2019 and Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, Sophy Chen myself can not participate in this flourishing poetry event as an invited poet. Especially in the name of the famous Chinese translator, English poet, exclusive sponsor, organizer, and host of Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival 2019 of mainland China, Sophy Chen specially presented the first issue of the international journal “ Sophy Poetry & Translation (E-C) to Dr.Waheed Musah, the host of the International Humanity Conference of the republic of Ghana.
It will be delivered by DOC PENPEN of the founder of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry and the founder of PENTASI B World Poetry Festival.


Pentasi B 世界诗人联谊会创始人、PENTASI B 世界诗歌节发起人、诗人朋朋博士和与会重要领导人以及诗人合影

Pentasi B 世界诗人联谊会创始人、PENTASI B 世界诗歌节发起人、诗人朋朋博士和与会重要领导人以及诗人合影


2018年加纳 国际人类大会



PENTASI B 世界诗人联谊 人类诗歌唤醒全球2018-2019

PENTASI B 世界诗人联谊


The Republic of Ghana is a long way from China. Most express companies in China do not have their international mail service in Ghana, so only the Post of China can deliver. Its ordinary mail takes 3-6 months, and EMS international air express cannot guarantee to delivery within the normal time. Fortunately, poets and readers all over the world bless this so much, and it is sent in 13 days, so there is no delay in the poetry event of September 26 and 29.





2018年国际人类大会主持人Waheed Musah博士收到《苏菲诗歌&翻译》国际期刊创刊号

2018年国际人类大会主持人Waheed Musah博士收到《苏菲诗歌&翻译》国际期刊创刊号


苏菲以中国诗人、翻译家、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉双语)国际期刊主编、2019中国-世界诗歌节主持人的名义预祝PENTASI B加纳-世界诗歌节2018暨加纳国际人类大会圆满举办。
Sophy Chen Wishes PENTASI B Ghana World Poetry Festival 2018 and Ghana International Humanity Conference Held Successfully in the Name of a Chinese Poet, Translator, the Chief Editor of “ Sophy Poetry & Translation” and the Host of the 2019 China World Poetry Festival.






Thanks To You, Thanks To Poetry!
Poetry Makes Us Understand!
Poetry Us Connected!
Poetry Keeps Our Friendship Forever!
Welcome to 2019 China World Poetry Festival!


Image of Translator Sophy Chen 翻译家苏菲形象照▲苏菲形象照  Image of Sophy Chen

苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代女诗人、翻译家。出生于陕西汉中略阳县;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。美国英语“传奇诗人”。 “苏菲诗歌&翻译网”、“苏菲诗歌&翻译”(英汉双语)国际杂志社、“苏菲国际翻译出版社”创建人。“苏菲英语讲坛”创办者兼主讲人。 1989年,开始汉语诗歌写作、2004年开始英语诗歌写作、2005年开始英汉双语诗歌翻译。 获2012年度“国际最佳翻译家奖”(评选语言英汉双语)。“中国当代诗歌奖”(2013—2014)翻译奖(评选语言英汉双语)。获2018年 PENTASI B 世界精神诗人奖和世界杰出诗人奖(评选语言英语)。 翻译出版英译诗歌集六部:《花动摇》、《藏香》、《生之瞭望》、《异调》、《胴体向前》、《白娘子诗传》。 英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》,仅仅8首诗,电子书在美国亚马逊英语图书网出版。

Translator Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Provinve, China, is the Chinese contemporary poetess, translator, and American English “Legendary Poet”. She is the founder of “Sophy Poetry & Translation Website”, “Sophy Poetry & Translation” International Magazine and “Sophy International Translation Publishing House” and the founder and leading lecturer of “Sophy English Forum”. She graduated from English Institute of Xi'an Foreign Studies University in English Literature. She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and she began to translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005. She won the annual “International Best Translator” Award 2012(C-E)and the Chinese Contemporary Poetry (2013-2014) Translation Award(C-E). PENTASI B WORLD INSPIRATIONAL POET 2018 and World Featured Poet 2018(E-E). She translated and published six Chinese poetry collections into English, The Flower Swaying (2014) , The Tibetan Incense(2014), The Outlook of Life (2014), The Different Tunes (2014), The Body Forward (2015), and A Poetry Biography for White Snake (2015), etc. Her English original poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose, only 8 poems, published in Amazon in E-book.


苏菲英译 [四川] 绿袖子诗2首-中国女诗人系列
苏菲英译 [上海]余志成《题一杆双筒猎枪》-中国诗歌系列
苏菲英译 [山东]王宏雷 散文诗2首 中国散文诗系列
苏菲英译 [广东]邱宇林的诗3首 中国女诗人系列
苏菲英译 [北京] 张鹏飞的诗5首 中国诗歌系列
苏菲英译 [江西] 湖拮的诗7首 中国诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译 [吉林] 孙颖的诗3首 中国女诗人系列(1)
苏菲汉译 [印度] 沙雷斯•维尔的诗 亚洲诗人系列(1)
苏菲英译 [山东]散皮的诗4首 中国诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译 [江苏]月色江河的诗 中国诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译[云南] 蓝雪儿的诗 中国女诗人诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译 [吉林] 冯冯的诗 中国女诗人诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译 [湖南] 起伦的诗3首 中国诗歌系列(1)

苏菲英译  [广东] 李立诗3首 中国诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译 [山西] 贾晋蜀的诗 中国诗歌系列(1)
苏菲英译汉 [波兰]安娜▪巴纳西亚克 国际诗歌系列
苏菲英译 [山东] 田宇组诗 中国诗歌系列
苏菲英译 [湖北]宋星明的诗 中国诗歌系列
《不朽的舞者》苏菲原创英汉双语诗歌The Great Dancer
苏菲英译 [浙江]大藏诗2首 中国诗歌系列


[Sophy为你读诗] 第1期 中国诗人大藏《鸟窝》创刊号头条诗人
Sophy为你读诗 苏菲原创《乡愁》Homesickness
Sophy为你读诗 苏菲原创《枯萎的玫瑰》Wizened Rose



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翻译版权所有 侵权必究





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