全球350诗人作品/艺术品展一览表 2019世界诗歌节诗人图书展/艺术品捐赠仪式



2021Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖
▷ 诗歌征稿启事

Call For Poems Of 2021 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

2021中国世界诗歌节 投稿: 10首300行以上;"苏菲世界诗歌奖 诗集奖" 投稿: 1500行以上
E-mail: sophytranslation@163.com

▷ 世界诗人图书展/艺术品捐赠仪式 图书艺术品征集启事
Contribution For Books & Art Works Of Exhibition & Donation Ceremonyof World Poets
Book Mail Deadline: By the end of October 2021
Mail Address: sophytranslation@163.com(China); xisusophy@gmail.com (outside of China)
Living Area of South Campus of Guangdong Foreign Studies University, University City, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China
To: Chen Lihua; Contact Phone: 0086-18201007874



——2019 Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖

List Of Books/Artworks Of 350 World Poets Exhibited/Donated:
Books & Art Works Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets
——2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards


世界诗人图书展/艺术品捐赠仪式——2019 Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖
Books & Art Works Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets——2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry FestivalSophy Chen World Poetry Awards

【视频 Video】30分钟现场视频剪辑
[Video] 30 Minutes Live Video

(Important Notes: some books, author’s nationality/native place unknown in the book list. My dear author, if you see your nationality/native place didn’t be written with your books, please send a message on it to me so that I can add them when editing news in other news websites, and thanks)

[苏菲世界诗歌博物馆、《苏菲国际翻译出版社》、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 英汉 纸质世界诗刊、“苏菲诗歌&国际翻译网”、苏菲陈教育、PENTASI B世界诗人联谊会,全球讯 2020-11-03 苏菲中国、大藏、朋朋菲律宾 编辑报道。]

[Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, Sophy International Translation Publishing House, “Sophy Poetry & Translation” (E-C) World Paper Magazine, “Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website”, Sophy Chen Eduction, & PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, 2020-11-03, Edited and Reported by Sophy Chen & Dazang in China & Doc Penpen in Philippines.]

Pentasi B 2019 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖,中外诗人作品艺术品展/捐赠仪式,作为此次诗歌节的一部分,共现场展出350多位来自中国和全球诗人的诗歌选集和期刊350多部以及部分书画作品。除了苏菲世界诗歌博物馆珍藏以外,诗人的部分诗选同时捐赠给了中国国家图书馆和西安外国语大学图书馆。此次世界图书展给诗人作品提供了良好的世界展示平台,为世界诗人找到了诗歌诗意的栖息地。

Books & Art Works Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets as part of the 2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, it exhibited more than 350 poetry anthologies, periodicals, works and some paintings and calligraphy works by Chinese and foreign poets, from more than 350 Chinese and global poets. In addition to be collected by Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, books of some poets were donated to National Library of China and Library of Xi’an International Studies University. The world books exhibition provides a good platform for poets to display their works in the world and also find a poetic habitat for poets of the world.

2021 Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖,中外诗人作品艺术品展/捐赠仪式作为此次诗歌节的一部分,我们将继续现场展出来自全世界诗人的优秀作品集、艺术作品,请诗人们继续邮寄捐赠图书和艺术品,除了苏菲世界诗歌博物馆珍藏以外,我们会尽可能将你的作品集送往中国国家图书馆和有合作意向的中国高校图书馆收藏以及海外著名诗人和图书馆收藏。(具体事项请阅读2021 Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖,中外诗人作品艺术品展/捐赠仪式 图书艺术品征集启事。)

Books & Art Works Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets as part of 2021 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, it will continue to exhibit the excellent poetry works and art works of poets from all over the world onsite. Please continue to mail and donate books and art works . In addition to be collected by Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, we will try our best to send your works to the National Library of China and Chinese university libraries with the intention of cooperation as well as overseas famous poets and libraries. (For details, please read Contribution For Books & Art Works Of Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets Of 2021 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards.)


The works on display at the 2019 Books & Art Works Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets Of 2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards: collections of poetry, novels, literary essays, poetry reviews, and translation reviews, calligraphy and painting, etc. Books, authors with their nationalities on display in 2019 are listed as follows:

2019 Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖中外诗人作品艺术展/捐赠仪式图书列表:
Book List of Books & Art Works Exhibition & Donation Ceremony of World Poets Of 2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

Special Books/Artworks Exhibition List:

1 [Philippines] DOC PENPEN BUGTONG TAKIPSILIM,Visual Poetry Collection of 2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Visual Poetry Collection,C-E
1 [菲律宾]朋朋博士《2019 Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 视觉诗歌选》视觉诗集 汉-英

2 [China] Sophy Chen, Poetry Collection of 2019 Pentasi B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, Poetry Collection, C-E
2 [中国] 苏菲《PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 诗选》汉-英

3 [China] Sophy Chen, Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards Poetry Collectio, C-E (coming)
3 [中国]苏菲《PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 诗全集》汉-英(编辑中)

4 [中国]陈辉/眼睛的味道《从眼睛的味道中找到你的美》诗集 汉-英

5 [China] Sophy Chen, SOPHY POETRY &TRANSLATION C-E World Paper Magazine Poetry Magazine, C-E, Volume 1
5 [中国] 苏菲《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 汉-英 纸质世界诗刊 创刊号 诗刊 汉-英

6 [China] Sophy Chen, SOPHY POETRY &TRANSLATION C-E World Paper Magazine Poetry Magazine C-E Volume 2
6 [中国] 苏菲《苏菲诗歌&翻译》 汉-英 纸质世界诗刊 第2期 诗刊 汉-英

7[意大利]玛丽亚•米娅歌莉娅《舞动的风》 诗歌集 意大利语-英语

8[Pakistan] Ayub Khawar LOVE Poetry Collection Urdu-English
8[巴基斯坦]阿尤布•卡瓦尔 《爱》诗集 乌尔都-英语

9[Pakistan] Ayub Khawar SYMPHONY Poetry Collection Urdu-English
9[巴基斯坦]阿尤布•卡瓦尔 《交响乐》诗集 乌尔都-英语

10 [India] Dr. Lanka Siva Rama Prasa Three Color Brush Poetry Collection English-Chinese- Telugu
10[印度] 兰卡•斯瓦•罗摩•普拉萨德 《三色刷》英语-汉语- 泰卢固语

11[菲律宾] 埃德温-科儿迪维拉 千行诗计划(为世界和平) 诗集 英语

12[广东]梁念钊《霾影沉重》 诗集 汉语
12[Guangdong] Liang Nianchhao Heavy Haze Poetry Collection Chinese

13[中国]苏菲英译 赵兴中《花动摇》 诗集 汉英对照
13[China] THE FLOWER SWAYING, by Zhao Xingzhong, Translated by Sophy Chen, Poetry Collection, E-C

14[中国]苏菲英译 紫影《藏香》 诗集, 汉英对照
14[China] Tibetan Incense, by Purple Shadow, Translated by Sophy Chen, Poetry Collection,E-C

15[中国]苏菲英译 杨若鹏《生之瞭望》 诗集 汉英对照
15[China] The Outlook of Life, by Yang Repeng, Translated by Sophy Chen, Poetry Collection,E-C

16[中国]苏菲英译 绿袖子《异调》 诗集 汉英对照
16[China] Different Tunes, by Green Sleeves , Translated by Sophy Chen, Poetry Collection,E-C

17[中国]苏菲英译 谭钧《胴体向前》 诗集 汉英对照
17[China]THE BODY FORWARD, by Tan Jun, Translated by Sophy Chen, Poetry Collection, E-C

18[China] Xiao Xiao, Time on Tiptoe, translated by Joseph, Chinese-Spanish

19[China] Xiao Xiao, Poems Of Xiao Xiao, translated by Joseph, Chinese-Spanish

20[China] Xiao Xiao,The Speed of Sorrow, translated by Piao Zaiyu, Korean

21[China] Xiao Xiao, The Seeds Of Semen Coicis, translated by Wolfgang Kubin, German

22[China] Xiao Xiao, Seclusion, Translated by Ouyang Yu, English

23[江西]罗启晁/阳子《心音》诗集 汉语
23[Jiangxi] Luo Qichao/Yangzi, The Voice Of Heart, Poetry Collection Chinese

24[江西]罗启晁/阳子《心韵》诗集 汉语
24[Jiangxi] Luo Qichao/Yangzi, The Rhyme Of Heart, Poetry Collection Chinese

25[浙江]圣歆/施丽琴《雪之梦》 诗集 汉语
25[Zhejiang] Shengxin/Shi Liqin, A Dream Of Snow, Poetry Collection Chinese

26[浙江]圣歆 国画 6幅
26[Zhejiang] Shengxin, Chinese Ancient Paintings, 6 pieces

27[山东]散皮 《镜子里的影像谋杀了我》 诗集 汉语
27[Shandong] Sanpi, THE IMAGE MURDERED ME IN THE MIRROR Poetry Collection Chinese

28[广西] 梁生灵 《一枚钉子前行》 诗集 汉语
28[Guangxi] Liang Shengling A NAIL FORWARD Poetry Collection Chinese

29[山东]吴玉磊《在另一个方向上》 诗集 汉语
29[Shandong] Wu Yulei In the Other Direction Poetry Collection Chinese

30[山东]吴玉磊《与黑夜同享烛光》 诗集 汉语
30[Shandong] Wu Yulei To Enjoy The Candlelight With The Night Poetry Collection Chinese

31[湖南]雨红《湖水悠闲之美》 书法长卷 汉语
31[Hunan] Yuhong, The Leisurely Beauty of lake Water, long scroll of Chinese calligraphy, Chinese

Books/Artworks Exhibition List:

1[China] Jia Pingwa THE EARTHEN GATE Novel E-E
1[中国] 贾平凹 《土门》 小说 英英

2[中国] 贾平凹 《贾平凹散文选》小说 英英

[香港(北岛)]香港国际诗歌之夜(宣传折页-封面)2015.11.26-29 英汉双语

[香港(北岛)]香港国际诗歌之夜 (宣传折页-嘉宾名单) 英汉双语
[Hong Kong (Beidao)]Hong Kong International Poetry Night (Promotional Leaflet-Guest List), E-C

[India] Womb of Time LALJEE BERMA Poetry Collection English
[印度]《时间的子宫》 拉尔吉•贝尔玛 诗集 英语

[india] ASOKE KUMAR MITRA SAVAGE WIND Poetry Collection English
[印度] 阿诗欧克-库马尔-米特拉 《野性之风》 诗集 英语

[Egypt] Sayed Gouda In The Quiet Of The Night Poetry Collection English
[埃及]赛义德•古达 《宁静的夜》 诗集 英文

[Turkey] Geoge Onsy Let’s Be One In Echoes Of Universal Faith Poetry Collection Turkish- English
[土耳其] 乔治-昂斯 《让我们成为普世信仰的回声》 诗集 土耳其语-英语

[Turkey] Geoge Onsy WITH Oscar Wilde Short Stories English
[土耳其] 乔治-昂斯 《与奥斯卡•王尔德》 短片小说 英语

[India] Ranjana Sharan FEMINISM Times And Tides Essays English
[印度] 兰加纳-沙兰《女权主义-时间和潮汐》 评论集 英语

[India] Ranjana Sharan Sinha SCENTS AND SHADOWS Poetry Collection English
[印度] 兰加纳-沙兰《气息和阴影》 诗集 英语

[日本]田原《梦蛇》 诗集 汉语
[Japan] Tianyuan Snake In Dreams Poetry Collection Chinese

[重庆]普冬《凤凰丹枞:普冬抒情诗选》 诗集 汉语
[Chongqing] Pudong Phoenix Dancong: Selected Lyric Poems of Pudong Poetry Collection Chinese

[重庆]普冬 主编《新诗》2012.09-NO.3 诗刊 汉语
[Chongqing] Pudong, New Poetry” 2012.09-NO.3, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[甘肃]《文化中国——聚焦当代艺术名家——本期人物 刘定国》 书法 汉语
[Gansu] “Chinese Culture-Focus on Contemporary Artists-Liu Dingguo” Calligraphy Chinese

[四川]翟永明《行间距:诗集2008-2012》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Zhai Yongming Line Spacing: Poetry Collection 2008-2012 Poetry Collection Chinese

[重庆]野鬼 主编《中国新诗300首》(1917-2012) 诗集,汉英对照
[Chongqing], Diblo, 300 New Chinese Poems (1917-2012), E-C, Poetry Collection

[Chongqing]WORLD POETRY Yearbook 2013 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: CHOI LAI SHEUNG & ZHANG ZHI, and Translation Reviser: Sophy Chen, English
[重庆]张智&蔡丽双主编《世界诗歌年鉴》2013, 翻译审校:苏菲, 纯英语

WORLD POETRY Yearbook 2014 EDITORS-IN-CHIEF: ZHANG ZHI & LAI TINGJIE and Translation Reviser: Sophy Chen, English
[重庆]张智&赖廷阶主编《世界诗歌年鉴》2013, 翻译审校:苏菲, 纯英语

[重庆]野鬼 主编《世界诗人》季刊(混语版)总第64期

[Chongqing]Selected Poems of Ten Contemporary Poets in China, edited by Diablo, (C-E-R)

[北京]谭武昌《中国诗歌地里——长沙九诗人选》 诗合集 汉语
[Beijing] Tan Wuchang The Geography of Chinese Poetry—Selected Poems of Nine Changsha Poets Collected Poems Chinese

[北京]谭五昌《中国诗歌地理 香港 九人诗选》 诗合集 汉语
[Beijing] Tan Wuchang The Geography of Chinese Poetry—Selected Poems of Nine Hong Kong Poets Collected Poems Chinese

[北京]谭五昌 主编《中国诗歌地理 拉萨 九人诗选》 诗合集 汉语
[Beijing] Tan Wuchang The Geography of Chinese Poetry—Selected Poems of Nine Lhasa Poets Collected Poems Chinese

[北京]吴传玖 主编《关雎爱情诗》2016年春 诗刊 汉语
[Beijing] Guanju Love Poems,in Spring 2016, Poetry Magazine, edited by Wu Chuanjiu, Chinese

[北京]吴传玖 主编《关雎爱情诗》2016年冬 诗刊 汉语
[Beijing] Guanju Love Poems, In Winter 2016, Poetry Magazine, edited by Wu Chuanjiu, Chinese

[北京] 吴传玖 主编《中国诗文金点序跋集》 诗评集 汉语
[Beijing] The Collection of Prefaces and Postscripts to Chinese Poems and Proses, edited by Wu Chuanjiu, Poetry Commentary, Chinese

[北京] 吴传玖 主编《中国百年新诗经》 诗选集 汉语
[Beijing] A Hundred Years of Chinese New Poetry, edited by Wu Chuanjiu, Poetry Anthology, Chinese

[北京]吴传玖 主编《新华文学》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Xinhua Literature, edited by Wu Chuanjiu, Poetry Anthology, Chinese

[台湾]方明《生命是悲欢相连的铁轨》诗集 汉语
[Taiwan] Fang Ming Life Is The Railroad Track Linked By Joy And Sorrow Poetry Selection Chinese

[香港]秀实《荷塘月色》 诗集 汉语
[Hong Kong] Peter Liang, The Moonlight in the Lotus Pond, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[香港]秀实《圆桌》诗刊 汉语
[Hong Kong] Xiushi Round Table Poetry Magazine Chinese

[重庆]唐诗《村庄与星斗》 诗集 汉语
[Chongqing] Tang Shi, Village And Stars, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[重庆]唐诗 主编《双年诗经——中国当代诗歌导读暨中国当代诗歌奖获得者作品集》 诗选 汉语
[Chongqing] Tangshi, “Biannual Book of Poetry-Guide to Chinese Contemporary Poetry & Collection of Poems of Chinese Contemporary Poetry Award Winners”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[重庆]唐诗 主编《中国当代诗歌导读(2011-2012卷)暨中国当代诗歌奖获得者作品集》 诗选 汉语
[Chongqing] Tangshi, “Biannual Book of Poetry-Guide to Chinese Contemporary Poetry (Volumes 2011-2012)& Collection of Poems of Chinese Contemporary Poetry Award Winners”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩 主编《无限的凝视》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Endless Gaze, edited by Huang Lihai, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]《托马斯•萨拉蒙诗选》黄礼孩主编 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Selected Poems of Thomas Salamon, edited by Huang Lihai Poetry anthology Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩《诗文本》季刊1999第1期 诗刊 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Lihai, “Poetry Text” Quarterly 1999 Issue 1, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩《光芒涌入》诗会册 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Lihai INFLUX OF LIGHT Poems Booklet Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩《出生地》广东本土青年诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Lihai, “Birthplace”, Anthology of Poems of Guangdong Native Young Poets,

[广东]黄礼孩等 主编《中西诗歌》2013年总第45期 诗刊 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Lihai,“Chinese & Western Poetry”, the 45th, Issue 2013, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩等 主编 《静光•2015广州新年诗会》
[Guangdong] Huang Lihai, “Silence & Light Guangzhou New Year’s Poetry Meeting,2015

[广东]黄礼孩《给飞鸟喂食彩虹》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Lihai FEEDING THE BIRDS WITH RAINBOW Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩《东荡子诗歌奖 首届东荡子诗歌奖作品选集 宋琳诗选》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Dongdangzi Poetry Awards: The First Dongdangzi Poetry Awards: Selected Poems of Song Lin, edited by Huang Lihai, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]黄礼孩 主编《扎嘎耶夫斯基诗选》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Selected Poems Of Zakayevsky, Selected Poems, Chinese, edited by Huang Lihai

[广东]世宾《梦想及其通知的世界》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Shibin, Dreams And The Notified World, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]世宾 陈培浩《完整性写作》上卷 诗论 汉语
[Guangdong] Complete Writing Volume 1, Poetry Theory, Chinese, edited by Shi Bin and Chen Peihao

[广东]世宾 陈培浩《完整性写作》下卷 诗论 汉语
[Guangdong] Complete Writing Volume 2, Poetry Theory, Chinese, edited by Shi Bin and Chen Peihao

[广东]江城 等主编《面影诗刊》总第18期 十年纪念专号 诗刊 汉语
[Guangdong] Jiang Cheng and other editors “Faces Shadows Poetry Magazine”, Total Issue 18 Special Issue of Ten Years Memorial, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[广东]《词语在体内开花》马莉 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] WORDS BLOOM IN THE BODY Ma Li Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东]《马莉诗选》马莉 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] SELECTED POEMS OF MA LI Ma Li Poem Collection Chinese

[广东]《一棵棕榈树和两个女人的故事》马莉 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] THE STORY OF A PALM TREE AND TWO WOMEN Ma Li Poem Collection Chinese

[广东]《时针偏离了午夜》马莉 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] HANDS OF A CLOCK DEVIAATED FROM MIDNIGHT Ma Li Poem Collection Chinese

[广东]《瘦狗岭——诗歌笔记》朱子庆 评论集 汉语
[Guangdong] NOTES ON POETRY—SKINNY DOG RIDGE Zhu Ziqing Essays Chinese

[广东]《无效的新诗传统》朱子庆 评论集 汉语
[Guangdong] INVALID NEW POETRY TRADITION Zhu Ziqing Essays Chinese

[广东]《触诗刊》朱子庆 诗刊 创刊号 汉语
[Guangdong] TOUCHING POETRY MAGAZINE Zhu Ziqing Poetry Magazine Chinese

[广东] 东荡子《东荡子诗选》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Dongdangzi, Selected Poems of Dongdangzi, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]余丛 编《东荡子的诗》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Poems of Dong Dangzi edited by Yu Cong, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]赵原《我的灰蛾已经盯上了最美的那个》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Zhao Yuan, “My Gray Moth Has Targeted The Most Beautiful One”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]聂小雨《九雨楼札记》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Nie Xiaoyu, “Notes On The Nine Rain Room”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]老刀《眼睛飞在翅膀前方》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Lao Dao, “Eyes Flying in Front of Wings”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]大藏《东荡子诗歌》打印残本 汉语
[Guangdong] Dazang “Poems of Dong Dangzi” Not Printed, Chinese

[广东]浪子主编;东荡子著《杜若之歌》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] The Song of Du Ruo written by Dongdangzi, edited by lianzi Poetry anthology Chinese

[广东]雪克 林馥娜 主编《大潮汕女子诗选》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong ]Xue Ke & Lin Funa, “A Selection of Poems by Poetess Of Dachaoshan”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]林馥娜《旷野淘馥》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Lin Funa Tao Fu In Wilderness Poetry anthology Chinese

[广东]林馥娜《旷野淘馥》 诗论 汉语
[Guangdong] Lin Funa Tao Fu In Wilderness Poetry Thesis Chinese

[广东]高世现《酒魂》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Gao Shixian The Soul of Wine Poetry anthology Chinese

[广东]汪智华《吠》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Wang Zhihua, Barking, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]汪治华 等《望江9人诗选》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Wang Zhihua, A Selection of Poems by Nine Poets In Wangjiang, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]农夫《小农意识》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Petty Farmers Ideology, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]黛琪《哑巴花的子夜歌》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Daiqi, Midnight Song of Dumb Flower, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[贵州]郭思思《郭思思儿童诗选》 诗集 汉语
[Guizhou] Guo Sisi, “Children’s Poems Of Guo Sisi”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[贵州]郭思思《神州九人诗选》 诗选集 汉语
[Guizhou] Guo Sisi Selected Poems of the Nine Peots of China,collected Pomes,Chinese

[贵州]郭思思主编《女诗人诗选》 诗集 汉语
[Guizhou] The Anthology of Poems by Female Poets edited by Guo Sisi,Poetry Collection,Chinese

[广东]黄金明《陌生人诗篇》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Jinming, “Poems Of Strangers”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[青海]章治萍《大巅地》 诗集 汉语
[Qinghai] Zhang Zhiping Da Dian Di Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东]梦亦非《儿女英雄传》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Meng Yifei, Legend of Heroes And Heroines, Poetry Collection Chinese

[陕西]武靖东《我在此地》 诗集 汉语
[Shaanxi] Wu Jingdong, I Am Here, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[四川] 绿袖子 《宵待草》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Green Sleeves Yoimachigusa Poetry Collection Chinese

《2014-2015中国年度诗人作品精选》 诗集 汉语, 唐成茂 陈惠琼 陈美明 主编
Selected Poems of Chinese Poets of the Year 2014-2015, edited by Tang Chengmao, Chen Huiqiong, and Chen Meiming, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东] 赖廷阶 《金车马》诗歌 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Lai Tingjie Golden Cars and Horses Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东]呢喃/子午《白马》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Ninan/ Ziwu White Horse Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东] 子午 《中国当代流派诗选》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Ziwu Selected Poems of Contemporary Chinese Poetry Schools Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东] 子午 《微笑》 诗选 汉语
[Guangdong] Ziwu Smile Poetry Selection Chinese

[广东] 子午 《秋水长天》 评论集 汉语
[Guangdong] Ziwu Autumn Water and Sky Essays Chinese

[广东]子午《山水情怀与华夏文化精神》 评论 汉语
[Guangdong] Ziwu, “The Feelings of Landscape and the Spirit of Chinese Culture”, Comments, Chinese

[?]胡子博《失眠者》诗集 汉语
[?] Hu Zibo The Insomniac Poetry Selection Chinese

[湖南]楚子《舞台》 诗选 汉语
[Hunan] Chu Zi Stage Poetry Selection Chinese

[湖南]楚子《西西佛斯之死》 诗集 汉语
[Hunan] Chu Zi The Death of Sisyphus Poetry Selection Chinese

[广东]江湖海《大后天星期八》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Jiang Huhai Three Days From Now Is The Eighth Day Of The Week Poetry Selection Chinese

[广东]樊子《樊子诗歌选集》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Fan Zi The Selected Poems of Fan Zi Poetry Selection Chinese

[北京]李成恩《池塘》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Li Chengen Pond Poetry Selection Chinese

[北京]李成恩《酥油灯》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Li Chengen The Butter Lamp Poetry Selection Chinese

[北京]李成恩《高楼镇》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Li Chengen Gaolou Town Poetry Selection Chinese

[香港]江涛《七日之城》 诗集 汉语
[Hong Kong] Jiang Tao Seven Days City Poetry Selection Chinese

[广东]黄廉捷《漫无目的》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Huang Lianjie Untargeted Poetry Selection Chinese

[广东]包悦《瑪吉阿米》诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Bao Yue Makye Ame Poetry Selection Chinese

[天津]赵彦春《第二届两岸西方翻译理论再思批判&翻译中国学术研讨会》 会册 英-汉
[Tianjin] Zhao Yanchun, The 2nd Cross-Straits Conference on Criticism of Western Translation Theories & The Conference on “ Translating China” E-C

[天津]赵彦春《三字经》诗集 英-汉
[Tianjin] Zhao Yanchun, The Three Word Primer Poetry Selection E-C

[天津]赵彦春编译《三字经英译集解》 诗选 汉-英
[Tianjin] The English Translation Of The Three Word Primer, translated and edited by Zhao Yanchun, Poetry Selection, C-E

[江苏]韩树俊《姑苏十二娘》 散文诗 汉语
[Jiangsu] Han Shujun The Twelve Ladies of Gusu Prose Poetry Chinese

[江苏]韩树俊《风润江南》 文集 汉语
[Jiangsu] Han Shujun The Wind Moistens The South of the Yangtze River Prose Poetry Chinese

[?]张三中《租个月亮不思乡》 诗集 汉语
[?]Zhang Sanzhong To Rent A Moon Without Homesickness Poetry Selection Chinese

[贵州]漠血《黑花朵》诗集 汉语
[Guizhou] Mo Xue Black Flowers Poetry Selection Chinese

[安徽]《诗歌月刊》2015-10 诗刊 汉语
[Anhui] Poetry Monthly 2015-10 Poetry Magazine Chinese

[安徽]《诗歌月刊》 2016-01 诗刊 汉语
[Anhui] Poetry Monthly 2016-01 Poetry Magazine Chinese

[山西]王立世《诗书画档案》 诗书画选 汉语
[Shanxi] Wang Lishi Archives of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Selected Poems, Calligraphy and Painting Chinese

[甘肃]包孝祖、季绪才《花儿》民歌 汉语
[Gansu] Bao Xiaozu and Ji Xucai HUAER Folk Song Chinese

[广东]冯娜《彼有野鹿》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Feng Na There Is A Wild Deer Poetry Selection Chinese

[广东]《蓝鲨》 诗刊 汉语
[Guangdong] Blue Shark Poetry Magazine Chinese

[四川]郭毅《银河系》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Guo Yi The Milky Way Poetry Collection Chinese

[四川]郭毅《向上的路》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Guo Yi Upward Way Poetry Collection Chinese

[四川]郭毅《灵魂献辞》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Guo Yi Soul Dedication Poetry Collection Chinese

[贵州]郭毅《苍茫鹰姿》 诗集 汉语
[Guizhou] Guo Yi, Eagle Fying In Boundless, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[香港]《香港文学促进会作品集》 诗歌卷 汉语
[Hong Kong] The Works of Hong Kong Association for the Promotion of Literature Poetry Volume Chinese

[中国]褚东伟、蒂莫西•休森《中国文学与文化》 第一期 散文 英语

[湖南]廖诗蝶《白娘子诗转》 诗集 汉语
[Hunan] Liao Shidie A Poetry Biography for White Snake Poetry Collection Chinese

[四川]向以鲜《唐诗弥撒曲》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Xiang Yixian Tang Poetry Mass Poetry Collection Chinese

《春天读诗》 朗诵集 凤凰文化 汉语
Reading Poems in Spring Recitation Collection Phoenix Culture Chinese

《金曦》 文学校刊 汉语
Jin Xi School Literature Journal Chinese

《外语名家访谈录》王祖友 文集 汉语
Interviews with Foreign Language Masters Wang Zuyou Prose Chinese

《九月诗刊》黄昏 诗刊 汉语
September Poetry Dusk Poetry Magazine Chinese

Commemorating A Century Of Chinese New Poetry-Selected Poems Of Global Chinese Poets-Commemorative Album 1917-2017

[湖北]文爱艺《恶之花》 翻译诗集 汉语
[Hubei] Wen Aiyi Flower of Evil Translation Poetry Collection Chinese

[浙江]文爱艺 译 《亚瑟王传奇》 诗集 汉语
[Zhejiang] IDYLLS OF THE KING, Translated by Wen Aiyin, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]董胜《深爱中国海》 小说 汉语
[?]Dong Sheng Deeply Loved the Chinese Sea Novel Chinese

[?]董胜 《宽阔的大海没有家园》诗集 汉语
[?]Dong Sheng The Broad Sea Has No Home Poetry Collection Chinese

[四川]熊小庆 《秋风故事》叙事长诗 汉语
[Sichuan] Xiong Xiaoqing , Autumn Wind Stories Long Narrative Poems Chinese

[?]邓厚石《深秋》 诗集 汉语
[?]Deng Houshi, Late Autumn Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]邓厚石 《500色铅笔》 诗集 汉语
[?] Deng Houshi 500 Color Pencils Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]《指尖醒了》吴先耀 诗集 汉语
[?]Fingertips Woke Up Wu Xianyao Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]《心中之门轻抚》 李小孩 诗集 汉语
[?]The Door Caress In The Heart Li Xiaohai Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]《师榕诗选》师榕 诗集 汉语
[?] Selected Poems of Shi Rong Shi Rong Poetry Collection Chinese

[Hebei] Zhang Weibin Poems Of Rainbow Poetry Collection Chinese

[湖南]雨红《诗意清清流》 诗集 汉语
[Hunan] Yuhong Poetry Flowing As Clear River Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]巴山丘庄《茶坪诗章》 诗集 汉语
[?]Bashanqiuzhuang, Poems In Chaping, Poetry Collection Chinese

[湖北]周朝《接引集》 诗集 汉语
[Hubei] Zhouzhao, Poetry Collection of Meeting And Guiding, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[河南] 天然石《为存在画像》 散文诗 汉语
[Henan] Tianranshi Portrait For Existence Prose Poetry Collection Chinese

[Jiangxi] Liu Jianbin RHYTHM OF SNOW, Poetry Collection, Chinese
[江西]刘建彬《雪韵》诗歌集 汉语

[浙江]马科 《大地语言》(十二诗章(上部)及其他) 诗集 汉语
[Zhejiang]Ma Ke The Language Of The Earth (12 Collection Of Poems (The First Part) and others) Poetry Collection Chinese

[浙江]马科 《大地语言》(十二诗章(下部)及其他) 诗集 汉语
[Zhejiang]Ma Ke The Language Of The Earth (12 Collection Of Poems (The Second Part) and others) Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]陈益发 《可可西里情诗》 诗集 汉语
[?] Chen Yifa, Love Poems OF Hoh Xil Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]陈益发 《藏地诗踪》 诗集 汉语
[?]Chen Yfa, The Trace of Tibetan Poetry, Poetry Collection Chinese

[加拿大]刘思远 《雨巷春光》 诗集 汉语
[Canada]Liu Siyuan Spring Scenery Of A Lane In The Rain Poetry Collection Chinese

[湖北]王永华《背着太阳去爱你》 诗集 汉语
[Hubei]Wang Yonghua Carrying the Sun to Love You Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]田小川《匆匆地去,慢慢地来》 诗集 汉语
[?]Tian Xiaochuan Hurry to Go, Slowly To Come Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]田小川《细雨霏霏》 诗集 汉语
[?] Tian Xiaochuan Drizzle Begins To Fall Poetry Collection Chinese

[加拿大]爱米《永远的伊甸园》 诗集 汉语
[Canada] Amy The Eternal Garden of Eden Poetry Collection Chinese

[广东]林剑纶《理想的星球——生态诗集》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Lin Jianlun, Ideal Planet—Ecological Poetry Anthology, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]林剑纶《逃出城市》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Lin Jianlun Escape From The City Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]伊人在岸《等待春天》 诗集 汉语
[?] She’s Onshore Waiting For Spring Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]陈必亚《生命的虹光》 诗集 汉语
[?]Chen Biya The Rainbow Light Of Life Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]蛇影《如果思念》 诗集 汉语
[?]Snake Shadows If I Miss Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]栾羽《梦旅人》 诗集 汉语
[?] Luan Yu Travelers In Dreams Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]董金凯《岁月风铃》 诗集 汉语
[?] Dong Jinkai Years And Wind Bells Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]陈昭华《爱的花语》 诗集 汉语
[?] Chen Zhaohua Flowers Language Of Love Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]陈昭华《诗魂牧歌》 诗集 汉语
[?]Chen Zhaohua Poet’s Soul And Pastoral Song Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]安城《真金蓝衣》 诗集 汉语
[?]Ancheng Genuine Gold & Blue Clothes Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]枫舟《河流上的波光》 诗集 汉语
[?]Feng Zhou, Waves On The River Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]李士非《热血男儿》 诗集 汉语
[?]Li Shifei Hot Blood Boy Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]李金福《喊山》 诗集 汉语
[?]Li Jinfu Shouting In Mountains Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]默然昕《若依辰集》 诗集 汉语
[?]Mo Ran Xin Selected Peoms of Ruo Yi Chen Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀 何赫渡《空灵之音——观音山诗稿》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi]Jia Jinshu, He Hedu Ethereal Voice —Guanyin Mountain Poetry Draft Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀《朝圣者之歌》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi] Jia Jinshu Song of Pilgrims Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀《大地上的灯火》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi] Jia Jinshu Lights On The Earth Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀《云在青天水在瓶》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi] Jia Jinshu Clouds In Sky And Water In Bottle Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀《梦之旅三部曲》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi] Jia Jinshu Trilogy of Dream Journey Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀《明月清风是我家》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi] Jia Jinshu My Home Is The Bright Moon And Cool Breeze Poetry Collection Chinese

[山西]贾晋蜀 段卫洲《梦之旅》 诗集 汉语
[Shanxi] Jia Jinshu, Duan Weizhou Dreams Of Journey Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《月亮花》 诗集 汉语
[Bejing]Duan Weizhou Moon Flowers Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《野风三部曲》 诗集 汉语
[Bejing] Duan Weizhou Wild Wind Trilogy Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《亲爱的寂静》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Duan Weizhou My Dear Silence Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《温暖的标志》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Duan Weizhou The Symbol of Warmth Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《太阳花》 诗集 汉语
[Beijing]Duan Weizhou Sunflowers Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《山居》 诗集 汉语
[Bejing] Duan Weizhou Living in Mountains Poetry Collection Chinese

[北京]段卫洲《有塔后身信》 诗集 汉语
[Bejing] Duan Weizhou There’s A Letter From Tahoushen Village Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]栾羽《指月集》 诗集 汉语
[?] Luan Yu Looking Forward To Moon Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]栾羽《双头记》 诗集 汉语
[?] Luan Yu Memory Of Double Heads Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]北河浜《天光》 诗集 汉语
[?] Bei Hebang Daylight Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]老常《小城遗梦》 小说 汉语
[?] Lao Chang Dreams In A Small Town Novel Chinese

VERSE VERSION Vol.3 No.3 September 2014
《自由诗》 第三期 第三卷2014,9月 诗刊 英语

[陕西]《信天游》 百万民 编 民歌 汉语
[Shaanxi]: Xintianyou edited by Bai Wanmin, Folk Song Chinese

[?]陈正林《山崖上的守望》 诗集 汉语
[?]Chen Zhenglin, Watching On The Cliff Poetry Collection Chinese

[Shaanxi] Shaanxi Poetry January 2015, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[陕西]定军山人《眺望》 诗集 汉语
[Shaanxi] Man Of Dingjun Mountain, Overlook, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[山东]王德席《泥土灯盏》 诗集 汉语
[Shandong] Wang Dexi Earth Lamps Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]朵渔 主编《奔腾诗歌年鉴》(2012-2013 总第五期) 汉语
[?]The Yearbook of Gallop Poetry (The Fifth Issue of 2012-2013) edited by Duo Yu, Chinese

[贵州]若非《忧伤开满来时路》 小说 汉语
[Guizhou] Ruo Fei The Road When Sorrow Is Full Novel Chinese

[?]黄健勇《大自然的微笑》 诗集 汉语
[?]Huang Jianyong The Smile of Nature Poetry Collection Chinese

[?]祥子 主编《中国诗歌地理 凉山 九人诗选》 诗集 汉语
[?]The Anthology of Chinese Poems of Nine Peots From Liangshan, edited by Xiangzi, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]郑德宏《风声》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Zheng Dehong, Voice of the Wind, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]陈永志《凝望蓝天》 诗集 汉语
[?] Staring at the Blue Sky, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]天岚《纸上虚言》 诗集 汉语
[?]Tian Lan Empty Words On Paper Poetry anthology Chinese

[?]李开红《遥远的情歌》 诗集 汉语
[?] Li Kaihong Love Song Far Away Poetry anthology Chinese

[?]李智明《小城雨季》 诗集 汉语
[?] Li Zhiming Small City In Rainy Season Poetry anthology Chinese

[?]我是圆的《落单的幸福》 诗集 汉语
[?] I’m Round, The Happiness of Being Alone, Poetry anthology, Chinese

[?]我是圆的《时间之外》 诗集 汉语
[?]I’m Round Out of Time Poetry anthology Chinese

[?]我是圆的《在你的江南》 诗集 汉语
[?] I Am Round, “In Your Jiangnan”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]白炳安《良心的诉说》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Bai Bingan, The Statement of Conscience, Poetry anthology, Chinese

[广东]白炳安《日出对黑暗的审判》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Bai Bingan, Sunrise’s Judgment on Darkness, Poetry anthology, Chinese

[广东]李双鱼《落花返枝》 诗集 汉语
[Guangdong] Li Shuangyu, The Fallen Petals Returning To Branches, Poetry anthology, Chinese

[北京]张绍民 主编《自由》2014年12月第4期 诗集 汉语
[Beijing] Zhang Shaomin, Freedom Issue 4, December 2014, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[天津]张晶《诗晶:诗网络作品精选》 诗选 汉语
[Tianjin] The Poem Crystal: Selected Poems of Poetry Network, edited by Zhang Jing, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[安徽]何功杰《英语鼎诗选译》 诗选 英汉对照
[Anhui] Collected Translation of Top English Poems, translated and edited by He Gongjie C-E

[?]王永华《向灵魂开枪》 诗集 汉语
[?] Wang Yonghua, Shoot To The Soul, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]陈宇《行囊》 诗集 汉语
[?] Chen Yu, Travelling Bag, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[浙江]沧海桑田《纤夫的雕像》 诗集 汉语
[Zhejiang] The Statue Of The Boat Trackers, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]沈德全《背影》 诗集 汉语
[?] Shen Dequan, Back View, Poetry Collection, Chinese

《贵州诗人》创刊号 诗刊 汉语
The first issue of “Guizhou Poets”, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

《澳门月刊》文艺副刊 《华文百花》文学杂志
Macao Monthly, Literature Supplement, Chinese Flowers, Literature Magazine

[?]张坚《拂水若虚》 诗集 汉语
[?]Zhang Jian, As If It Emptily Blows Water

[?]李智明《空城》 诗集 汉语
[?] Li Zhiming, Empty City, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]王幅明 陈惠琼《2015中国散文诗年选》 诗选 汉语
[?]2015 Chinese Prose Poetry Year Selection, Poetry Collection, Chinese, edited by Wang Fuming and Chen Huiqiong

《首届“莲花杯”世界华文诗歌大赛作品集》 诗选 汉语
The Collection of the First “Lotus Cup” World Chinese Poetry Competition, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]26桥《十诗人》 诗选 汉语
[?] 26 Qiao, Poetry Selection of “Ten Poets”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜 主编《中国当代百名女诗人诗选》 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Selected Poems Of 100 Contemporary Female Poets In China, edited by Luo Wei, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《阿波罗的光芒》 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “The Light of Apollo”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《中国当代百名彝族女诗人诗选》上卷 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “Anthology of Poems by One Hundred Contemporary Poetesses of Yi Ethnic Group of China” Volume 1, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《中国当代百名彝族女诗人诗选》下卷 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “Anthology of Poems by One Hundred Contemporary Poetesses of Yi Ethnic Group of China” Volume 2, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《2015中国诗人在路上》 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “2015 Chinese Poets on the Way”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《2015新纪元诗人诗选暨评论》上卷 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “2015 New Era Poet Poetry Selection and Comments” Volume 1, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《2015新纪元诗人诗选暨评论》下卷 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “2015 New Era Poet Poetry Selection and Comments” Volume 2, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[北京]罗炜《中国新纪元汉语诗歌理论》 诗选 汉语
[Beijing] Luo Wei “Chinese Poetry Theory of the New Era of China”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

《林徽因诗集》 Poetry of Lin Huiyin 诗集 英汉对照
Poetry of Lin Huiyin, Poetry Collection, English-Chinese

[陕西]黄土层《旅馆》2013第2期 诗集 汉语
[Shaanxi] Huang Tuceng, “Hotel” 2013, Issue 2, Poetry Collection, Chinese

《岷州文学》2015冬 诗刊 汉语
“Minzhou Literature”, 2015 Winter, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

A Collection of Poems & Literary Pieces of Zambaleno Poets, INTERNATIONAL POETRY EXCHANGES
《中外诗人》 2018年,第一期创刊号

[江苏]月色江河 主编《2018中国微信诗歌年鉴》 诗选 汉语
[Jiangsu]Moonlight River, 2018 Chinese WeChat Poetry Yearbook, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[广东]周全胜《一场春梦》周全胜诗画 汉语
[Guangdong] Zhou Quansheng, “ A Spring Dream”, Poems and Paintings, Chinese

[湖北]阎志《中国诗歌》2013.11 诗刊 汉语
[Hubei] Yan Zhi “Chinese Poetry” 2013.11, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

《他相信了心灵》第四届东荡子诗歌奖 2017 宣传册 汉语
“He Believed In the Soul”, Brochure of The 4th Dongdangzi Poetry Award 2017, Chinese

《诗•文•献》第六届广州女诗人诗歌朗诵会 首届“花神诗歌节” 宣传册 汉语
“Poetry,•Essay & Prose”, Brochure of The 6th Guangzhou Poetess Poetry Recitation Conference, The First “Flower God Poetry Festival”, Chinese

《作品》2014.6 诗刊 汉语
“Works” 2014.6, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[?]南岸《地下》短诗卷 诗刊 汉语
[?] Nan’an “Underground” Short Poems, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

《特区文学》2014.4 诗刊 汉语
“Special Zone Literature” 2014.4, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

《诗江南》创刊号2008 诗刊 汉语
“Poetry Jiangnan” First Issue 2008, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

《新塘文艺》2012年第4期- 2013年第1期 文学期刊 汉语
“Xintang Literature” Issue 4, 2012-Issue 1, 2013, Literary Journal, Chinese

[广东]张三中《好汉坡诗刊》2010.9秋季号 诗刊 汉语
[Guangdong] Zhang Sanzhong, “Hao Han Po Poetry Magazine” in Fall 2010.9, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[广州]周伟池 等编选《南方以南》中山大学校园诗歌精选 诗选 汉语
[Guangzhou] “South of the South” edited by Zhou Weichi, etc. Poetry Selections on the Campus of Sun Yat-sen University, Poetry Collection, Chinese

《散文诗世界》月刊 2008年第10期总第42期 诗刊 汉语
2008 THE WORLD OF PROSE POETRY, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]刘晓箫 主编《广场诗刊》创刊号(总第1期,2015年7月) 诗刊 汉语

[湖南]黄曙辉《水边书》 诗集 汉语
[Hunan] Huang Shuhui,“ Book On the Bank of Water”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[四川]紫影《那时花开》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Ziying, “The Flower Blooming At That Time”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[四川]紫影《水色》 诗集 汉语
[Sichuan] Ziying, “The Color Of Water”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]宋逖《融摄——光之树1937》 诗集 汉语
[?] Song Ti, “Rong She-Tree of Light 1937”, Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]赵峥嵘《微光》 诗集 汉语
[?] Zhao Zhengrong, “Shimmering Light” Poetry Collection, Chinese

[?]刘坤《更深的蓝》 诗集 汉语
[?] Liu Kun, Deeper Blue, Poetry Collection, Chinese

《香山文学》2014第4期 诗刊 汉语
Xiangshan Literature 2014 Issue 4, Poetry Magazine, Chinese

[广东]马忠《诗美探真》 诗论 汉语
[Guangdong] Ma Zhong The Beauty of Poetry Poetry Theory, Chinese


©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究


Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)

Notice to Contributors of Poetry Collection Series of Sophy Chen World Poetry Translation Library (Bilingual)


https://www.sophypoetry.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Sophy-Magazine.jpg《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉) 纸质世界纸刊各栏目征稿细则
“Sophy Poetry & Translation” (E-C) World Poetry Magazine Needs Poems All Years

(附标准简介150字内, 高清照片2-3张)
收取翻译费:新诗15元/行, 散文诗1元/字 ]

Sophy World Poetry Museum Collecting Chinese And Foreign Poets Books / Artworks All Years
苏菲世界诗歌博物馆 常年征集中外诗人诗集/艺术作品
E-mail: sophytranslation@163.com


诗歌节、杂志及诗歌集 翻译投稿须知

苏菲诗歌翻译,是诗人、翻译家苏菲为诗人国际代言翻译。属于收费翻译,不赞同收费翻译的诗人一律不翻译。《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉) 纸质世界诗刊、PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖专栏(杂志刊载)、PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选、诗歌选集、以及苏菲代理的其它国家合作诗歌节项目诗歌翻译,统统属于翻译家苏菲代言诗人翻译和国际评奖。所有诗歌都是我本人苏菲独家代言翻译。不接受外来翻译稿件。

《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉) 纸质世界诗刊 分栏目投稿:

2021Pentasi B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 征稿:
Call For Poems Of 2021 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards

2021中国世界诗歌节 投稿: 10首300行以上
"苏菲世界诗歌奖 诗集奖" 投稿: 1500行以上

PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖 投稿详情请点击文中征稿新闻链接。




Image of Translator Sophy ChenImage of Translator Sophy Chen苏菲形象

About Sophy Chen
Sophy Chen, her name, Lihua and family name, Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Province, China, is the Chinese contemporary poet, translator, publisher and poetry manager.
She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University in English Literature. She is the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Award, the President of Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, the Chief Editor of Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website. Sophy Chen is Admin Of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, a Member of the Translators Association of China, a Member of the World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan, and its Chairman's Chinese Literaturre & Translation Consultant. Sophy Chen is appointed as a Honorary Membership of PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE in 2019 and Jury Of “Il Parnaso - Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy.
She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005.
In 2012 she won the annual International Best Translator Award issued by IPTRC. In the same year, she received the Legendary Poet Award from the famous international English poetry website (poetry.com). In 2014 she won the Chinese Contemporary Poetry Translation Award (2013-2014). In 2018 she won Pentasi B World Featured Poet and Pentasi B World Inspirational Poet; the International Icon of Literature of Mewadev Laurel Award in India; In 2019 she won Neruda Award of Italy; the Wrangal’s Golden Peacock Award, Pentasi B Pentasian Award, Pentasi B World Poet Laureate Award and Pentasi B World Golden Voice Poetry 2019 and 2019 “Il Parnaso - Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy.
She translated and published seven collections of Chinese poems into English: The Flower Swaying (2014) by Zhao Xingzhong; Tibetan Incense (2014) by ZiYing; The Outlook of Life (2014) by Yang Ruopeng; Different Tunes (2014) by Greensleeves; The Body Forward (2015) by the painter TanJun, A Poetry Biography for White Snake by Liao Shidie and I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes by Chen Hui (Taste’s Eyes) (2019)
She published an English poetry collection, Sophy English Sonnets, Tuberose (2018). She translated, edited and published Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards (2019) and Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine. The Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(Volume 1-2)are editting.
Sophy Chen is the Host-Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETREE FESTIVAL 2019, PENTASI B World Fellowship, main land of China, 2019. She has successfully organized, sponsored and held PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards in China.

苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代诗人、翻译家、出版人、诗歌活动策划人。生于陕西汉中略阳;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。“苏菲国际翻译出版社”社长、“苏菲世界诗歌奖”创始人、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊主编、“苏菲世界诗歌博物馆”馆长、“苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网”主编。PENTASI B 世界诗歌联谊会行政管理、中国翻译协会会员、卡萨克斯坦“世界各民族作家联盟”会员、“世界各民族作家联盟”主席中国文学顾问,中国文学翻译顾问、意大利“聂鲁达文学协会”名誉会员。意大利“帕那苏斯诗歌奖”评审委员会成员。
2012年,苏菲荣获IPTRC颁发的2012年度 “国际最佳翻译家奖”、 同年,荣获著名国际英语诗歌网(poetry.com)传奇诗人奖。2014年荣获中国当代诗歌翻译奖(2013-2014年)。2018年,苏菲荣获Pentasi B 世界杰出诗人奖、Pentasi B 世界精神诗人奖;印度米瓦德威•桂冠奖——2018 “国际文学偶像”奖。2019年,苏菲荣获意大利聂鲁达奖;印度朗格尔金孔雀奖;Pentasi B 2019年度奖;Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖;PENTASI B 2019 世界金色之声诗歌奖;意大利 2019 帕那苏斯诗歌奖荣誉评审员。
苏菲出版英语诗歌原创集,“苏菲英语十四行诗”《晚香玉》(2018)。翻译编辑出版诗歌合集《PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选》(2019)。主编主译 《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊。主编主译《PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗全集(上下册)》 编辑出版中。
苏菲是PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖主办方、组织人和赞助人。苏菲成功组织、赞助、主办了PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节& 苏菲世界诗歌奖。



sophychen logo - ©Translated by Sophy Chen©Translated by Sophy Chen
翻译版权所有 侵权必究





[ 法律顾问:李刚 ]



