


——[希腊] 罗拉·波拉德说



To Sophy Chen & Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021

By [Greece] Roula Pollard

English-Chinese Translated By Sophy Chen From China


作者:[希腊] 罗拉·波拉德


“The Sophy Chen's Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 is a landmark in the history of International Poetry from Sappho to our days”

—[Greece] Roula Pollard Says:



To Sophy Chen & Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021

By [Greece] Roula Pollard
English-Chinese Translated By Sophy Chen From China

Poetry functions creatively in the collective memory of nations. The Father of Poetry in the western world is recognized as Homer, the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey while the Mother of Poetry or the Tenth Muse in ancient Greek poetry is the poetess Sappho.

To celebrate the launching of Sophy Chen’s Translation of the World Poetry Yearbook 2021, it is as if we had been joined by the presence of both Homer and Sappho, who have so much in common with the World Poetry Yearbook 2021.

Homer was the international star of his day, circa 1.000- 800 BC, visiting the city states of Ancient Greece reciting his poems by heart. We can imagine the hours and days spent on the road and how he enthralled his audiences and crowds of listeners., hearing the Iliad for the very first time. His main theme was a campaign against war led by the Iliad, and then contrasting the value placed on family life with the Odyssey. With these two works Homer transformed Poetry making it a true lesson for the citizens of the then known world. He truly became the Father of Poetry, writing and composing in a unique idiom and with a unique style built on the unrivalled quality of Ancient Greek at a level not previously experienced. This presupposes that Poetry was cultivated before him but not to the outstanding extend that Homer built it up.

This is the parallel between Homer and Sophy Chen’s Translation of the World Poetry Yearbook 2021. Sophy’s is a Poetry Anthology of 691 poets translated into Chinese or English, from 63 national dialects. The magnitude of this poetic work addresses the world in its two most powerful languages, Chinese and English. This is a mega task with the the world speaking poetry and addressing the main issues of todays’ world which can be summarized as Love and Peace. Climate change now hangs over mankind, like a sword of Damoclese . Poetry has become more relevant than at any time in human history.

The other visitor to this mega event organized by Sophy Chen, should of course be Sappho who introduced and composed lyrical poetry. This gave women an opportunity for the first time, to speak up for themselves after long years of war. Sapho also gave a clear message to the women of her time ‘Women exist too’, and are a vital part of society. Female affection contrasted strongly with the deeds of male heroes in the Trojan Wars.

The Translation of Sophy Chen’s World Poetry Yearbook 2021 sets new standards in Poetry as both Homer and Sappho did in classical times. Her inspiration sets a new landmark with translations from 691 poets. She employs new ways of presenting poetry to the world. Both Homer and Sappho, as Poetry’s representatives from classical times would be honoured to be mentioned in this presentation of Sophy Chen’s Translation of the World Poetry Yearbook 2021.

Thank you Sophy for your achievement in creating this major work, which will delight the world of both poetry and translation.



——[希腊] 罗拉·波拉德说




作者:[希腊] 罗拉·波拉德


荷马是他那个时代的国际明星,大约在公元前1000 - 800年。他参观古希腊城邦,背诵他的诗。我们可以想象他在路上花了多少时间,当人们第一次听到《伊利亚特》的时候,他是如何让他的观众和成群的听众着迷的。他的主题是以《伊利亚特》为主导的反对战争的运动,然后将《奥德赛》与对家庭生活的重视进行了对比。荷马用这两部作品改变了诗歌,使诗歌成为当时已知世界公民的一个真正意义上的教科书。他成为真正意义上的诗歌之父,以独特的习语和独特的风格进行写作和创作,这种风格建立在古希腊无与伦比的品质上,达到了前所未有的水平。这就意味着,在他之前,诗歌是被培养出来的,但并没有达到荷马所创作的那种杰出程度。

此次由苏菲主办的大型活动的另一位嘉宾,当然应该是萨福,她介绍,并创作了抒情诗。多年的战争之后, 抒情诗首次给了女性机会,她们用诗歌为自己说话。萨福还向当时的女性传达了一个明确的信息: “女性也存在”,并且是社会的重要组成部分。特洛伊战争中,女性的感情与男性的英雄事迹形成了鲜明的对比。



[Greece] Roula Pollard
[希腊] 罗拉·波拉德


About [Greece] Roula Pollard

[希腊] 罗拉·波拉德简介

Roula Pollard is a Greek inspirational poet, writer, essayist, translator and literary promoter. She has had three poetry collections published in Greek: “Presence”, “Points of Silence”, “The Birth of Beautiful Time”. Her 4th poetry collection “Century of Love” published in English in India, was translated into Telugu by Dr. Lanka Siva Rama Prasad. She is the recipient of a number of literary awards, “Pentasi B Golden Voice of Poetry 2017”, “Pentasi B World Friendship Poetry” 2017; “The Sappho Award” International award, Pentasi B Life Time Achievement Award, at Hyderabad, India World Poetree Festival 2017, Golden Pen 1018(India) and numerous awards.

罗拉·波拉德是希腊精神诗人、作家、散文家、翻译家和文学传播者。她已经用希腊文出版了三部诗集:《存在》、《沉默的点》、《美好时光的诞生》。她的第四部诗集《世纪之爱 》在印度出版,由兰卡•斯瓦•罗摩•普拉萨德博士翻译成泰卢固语。罗拉·波拉德获得多项文学奖项:Pentasi B金色之声诗歌奖2017、Pentasi B世界友谊诗歌奖2017、“萨福”国际诗歌奖、Pentasi B终身成就奖2017(印度世界诗歌节,海得拉巴)、金笔奖2018(印度)等多项。



《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉英对照) 简介

《苏菲译·世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉英对照) 由中国诗人、翻译家苏菲翻译、主编,诗人大藏排版设计、苏菲国际翻译出版社出版的英汉互译世界性诗歌选集。成品尺寸为210x285mm(A4 大小),724页,书脊厚度为40.5毫米,重1355g。封面设计精美个性,色彩绚丽。首次尝试将来自63个国家的691位入选诗人的形象照放入诗集封面。彻底打破了中国以往诗歌选集的传统套路。让所有入选诗人都有机会彰显精彩的自己!内页也首次尝试放入诗人形象照、英汉对照简介和英汉对照诗歌。

About Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual)

Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) is translated, edited by Chinese poet and translator Sophy Chen, and typeset and designed by poet Da Zangchen, and published by Sophy International Publishing House. It is size A4/210x285mm/, 724 pages, and 1355g. The cover is beautifully designed with individuality and bright colors. It firstly attempts to put images of 691 poets selected from 63 nations on the cover of poetry collection. It completely breaks the traditional routine of previous poetry anthologies of China. It gives all selected poets opportunities to show their wonderful themselves! For the first time, the inner page also tried to include the poets’ image photoes, English-Chinese bio and English-Chinese poems in China.



[China]Sophy Chen

[中国] 苏菲

About Sophy Chen

Sophy Chen, Lihua Chen, born in Lueyang, Hanzhong, Shannxi Province, China, is the Chinese contemporary poet, translator, publisher and world poetry manager. She graduated from English Institute of Xi’an International Studies University in English Literature. She is the founder of Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards, the President of Sophy International Translation Publishing House, Sophy Chen World Poetry Museum, the Chief Editor and Translator of Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual), Sophy Poetry & Translation(C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine, and Sophy Poetry & World Translation Website. Sophy Chen is Admin Of PENTASI B World Friendship Poetry, a Member of the Translators Association of China, and a Member of the World Nations Writers Union, Kazakhstan. Sophy Chen is appointed as a Honorary Membership of PABLO NERUDA ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE and Jury Of “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy. SOPHY CHEN is appointed as AMBASSADOR TO CHINA by THE ACADEMIC SENATE, ACADEMY OF ARTS AND PHILOSOPHICAL SUAENCES of LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA. She began to write Chinese poetry in 1989 and English poetry in 2004, and translate Chinese Poetry into English poetry and English poetry into Chinese poetry in 2005.

Her Main World Awards:

The annual International Best Translator Award(2012); the Legendary Poet Awards(2012); the Chinese Contemporary Poetry Translation Award (2013-2014); Pentasi B World Featured Poet and Pentasi B World Inspirational Poet(2018); the International Icon of Literature of Mewadev Laurel Award of India(2018); Neruda Award of Italy(2019); the Wrangal’s Golden Peacock Award of India(2019); Culture & Friendship Award of India(2019); Poet’s Golden Shawl of India(2019); Pentasi B Pentasian Award(2019); Pentasi B World Poet Laureate Award(2019); Pentasi B World Golden Voice Poetry(2019); “Il Parnaso – Angelo La Vecchia Award” of Italy(2019);AMBASSADOR TO CHINA by THE ACADEMIC SENATE, ACADEMY OF ARTS AND PHILOSOPHICAL SUAENCES of LUCIUS ANNAEUS SENECA,etc.

Her Main Translated, Edited and Published Poetry Collections:

The Flower Swaying(C-E) (2014); Tibetan Incense (C-E) (2014); The Outlook of Life (C-E)(2014); Different Tunes (C-E) (2014); The Body Forward (C-E) (2015); A Poetry Biography for White Snake (C-E) (2015); I Find Your Beauty In The Taste Of Your Eyes (C-E) (2019); Poetry Selection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards(C-E) (2019); The Complete Poems Collection Of PENTASI B 2019 China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards (C-E) (2019); Sophy Chen’s Translation World Poetry Yearbook 2021 (C-E Bilingual) ; Sophy Poetry & Translation (C-E) World Poetry Paper Magazine.

Her Written Poetry Collection:

Sophy Chen’s English Sonnets, Tuberose (E-E) (2018).

Organizing and Planning of Major World Poetry Activities:

Sophy Chen is the Host-Organizer & Sponsor of CHINA WORLD POETRY FESTIVAL and PENTASI B World Fellowship of China 2019 and 2021. She has successfully organized, sponsored and held 2019 PENTASI B China World Poetry Festival & Sophy Chen World Poetry Awards in China.


苏菲(Sophy Chen),本名陈丽华,中国当代诗人、翻译家、出版人、世界诗歌活动策划人。生于陕西汉中略阳;毕业于西安外国语大学英文学院。“苏菲国际翻译出版社”社长、“苏菲世界诗歌奖”创始人、“苏菲世界诗歌博物馆”馆长、《苏菲译-世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉英对照)主编、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英汉)纸质世界诗刊主编、“苏菲诗歌&世界翻译网”主编。PENTASI B 世界诗歌联谊会行政管理、中国翻译协会会员、卡萨克斯坦“世界各民族作家联盟”会员、意大利“聂鲁达文学协会”名誉会员、意大利“帕那苏斯诗歌奖”评审委员会成员、意大利“卢修斯·阿纳乌斯·塞内卡”艺术与哲学学院 驻华大使。1989年开始汉语诗歌写作、2004年开始英语诗歌写作、2005年开始英汉双语诗歌翻译。


国际最佳翻译家奖(2012)、传奇诗人奖(2012)、中国当代诗歌翻译奖(2013-2014)、Pentasi B 世界杰出诗人奖(2018)、Pentasi B 世界精神诗人奖(2018)、印度米瓦德威•桂冠奖——“国际文学偶像”奖(2018)、意大利聂鲁达奖(2018)、印度朗格尔金孔雀奖(2019)、印度文化友谊奖(2019)、印度金色诗人披肩(2019)、Pentasi B 年度奖(2019)、Pentasi B世界桂冠诗人奖(2019)、PENTASI B 世界金色之声诗歌奖(2019)、意大利帕那苏斯诗歌奖荣誉评审员(2019)、意大利“卢修斯·阿纳乌斯·塞内卡”艺术与哲学学院 驻华大使。


《花动摇》(英-汉)(2014)、《藏香》(英-汉)(2014)、《生之瞭望》(英-汉)(2014)、《异调》(英-汉)(2014)、《胴体向前》(英-汉)(2015)、《白娘子诗传》(英-汉)(2015)、《从眼睛的味道中找到你的美》(英-汉)(2019)、《PENTASI B 中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗选》(英-汉)(2019)、《PENTASI B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖诗全集 (英-汉)(2019)、《苏菲译-世界诗歌年鉴2021卷》(汉-英)、《苏菲诗歌&翻译》(英-汉)纸质世界诗刊。




苏菲是2019、2021 PENTASI B中国世界诗歌节&苏菲世界诗歌奖主办方、组织人和赞助人。苏菲成功组织、赞助、主办了PENTASI B 2019中国世界诗歌节& 苏菲世界诗歌奖。


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